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Manual Routing

The easiest way to do routing in NativeScript-Vue is by using any of the following convenience functions:

All examples on this page discuss how to handle routing between the Master and Detail components of a mobile app.

You can call $navigateTo in the view or in a method.

In the view

In the Master component, use a data property to expose the Detail component. Invoke $navigateTo(<propertyName>) in the view directly.

const Vue = require('nativescript-vue');

const Master = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Master" />
        <Button text="To Details directly" @tap="$navigateTo(detailPage)" />

  data() {
    return {
      detailPage: Detail

const Detail = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Detail"/>
        <Label text="Details.." />

new Vue({
  render: h => h(Master)

In a method

Bind a button to a method and use this.$navigateTo(Detail) to navigate to the Detail component.

const Master = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Master" />
        <Button text="To Details via method" @tap="goToDetailPage" />

  methods: {
    goToDetailPage() {

const Detail = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Detail"/>
        <Label text="Details.." />

Passing props to the target component

$navigateTo accepts a second options parameter. You can use the parameter to:

  • set the transition
  • pass a context object with props to be used when instantiating the target component

For example:

this.$navigateTo(Detail, {
  transition: {},
  transitionIOS: {},
  transitionAndroid: {},
  context: {
    propsData: {
      foo: 'bar',

For more information about the options that you can pass, see NavigationEntry.

In the Detail component, add a button that triggers the globally exposed $navigateBack function.

const Detail = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Detail"/>
        <Button text="Back to Master" @tap="$navigateBack" />


Use $showModal to show the Detail page modally. This function behaves similarly to $navigateTo.

You can call $showModal in the view or in a method. To close the modal, call $modal.close.

In the view

In the Master component, use a data property to expose the Detail component. Invoke $showModal(<propertyName>) in the view directly.

const Vue = require('nativescript-vue');

const Master = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Master" />
        <Button text="To Details directly" @tap="$showModal(detailPage)" />

  data() {
    return {
      detailPage: Detail

const Detail = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Detail"/>
        <Button @tap="$modal.close" text="Close" />                    

new Vue({
  render: h => h(Master)

In a method

Bind a button to a method and use this.$showModal(Detail) to navigate to the Detail component.

const Master = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Master" />
        <Button text="Show Details modally" @tap="showDetailPageModally" />

  methods: {
    showDetailPageModally() {

const Detail = {
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Detail"/>
        <Button @tap="$modal.close" text="Close" />                    

Passing props to the modal

$showModal accepts a second parameter. You can use the parameter to pass in a context object containing propsData to the target component. For example:

this.$showModal(Detail, { context: { propsData: { id: 14 }}});

You also need to update the Detail component to be able to accept the id prop. You can do this by defining a props option inside the component:

const Detail = {
  props: ['id'],
  template: `
      <ActionBar title="Detail"/>
        <Label :text="id" />
        <Button @tap="$modal.close" text="Close" />                    

The prop is now accessible throughout the component with

For more information about props, see the official Vue documentation

Returning data from the modal

When calling $showModal, a promise is returned which resolves with any data passed to the $modal.close function.

In the following example, closing the modal outputs 'Foo' in the console.

// ... inside Master
this.$showModal(Detail).then(data => console.log(data));
<!-- inside Detail -->
<Button @tap="$modal.close('Foo')" text="Close" />    